Our European headquarters is located in central Stockholm on Drottninggatan, in what used to be the Royal Instistute of Technology.
We ♥ our Stockholm office
Our beautiful Stockholm office had just been redecorated, about to be finalized and ready to welcome us, when we started working 100% from home in the spring of 2020.
We waited patiently during the pandemic, and could then finally move in and start turning this magnificent space into our new home.

We’re in a progressive renaissance building built 1863, that was originally a part of KTH Royal Institute of Technology. This history makes it a natural habitat for searching for new knowledge and innovations.
For us, it’s where all our disciplines: strategists, analysts, innovators, creatives, designers, work together side by side and energize each other.

A careful restoration of the original floor plan and color scheme has brought back some of the architectural qualities, initially created by the Architect Fredrik Wilhelm Scholander.
The natural light was guaranteed by the liberation of all the windows. New meeting rooms brought the old library back to life.

Together with our architect, Specific Generic, we decided, despite the age of the building, to take a contemporary and highly functional approach to the interior design.
This included optimization of video conferencing to cover everything from intimate conversations to large workshops, and the possibility to choose from high energy co-creation or peaceful recovery depending on your mood.