We unravel the complexities of your business challenges with the help of well-designed models and rigorous analysis. Lynxeye uses both proprietary and established methods and frameworks.

A Lynxeye framework

Transformation programs

A strategic approach for challenges and opportunities, readying the organization for successful implementation.

A strategic business framework

Setting hearts on fire is the best way to ensure organizational momentum in an implementation process.

Your future business depends on your ability to identify the needed changes to the business plan and operations, secure clarity around what the most important priorities are and engage all employees around the need for change and a common view of the future, all in order to create and sustain an on-going internal involvement plan to share progress, celebrate success and open up for employee contribution.

Together we develop a structured approach for getting the entire organization to understand, embrace and take action.

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A framework for each opportunity

Purpose by Lynxeye™

A corporate purpose model that covers world needs, human passion, corporate assets, and business priorities.

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Corporate Direction Framework™

An overall strategic framework for a company leadership team to achieve sustainable success and growth.

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Lynxeye Purpose Index™

Our own, science-based study of how corporate purpose works and what impact it has on business performance.

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Change drivers and scenarios

Model for major external catalysts that push companies to evolve, initiating and embracing change.

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Growth platforms

A tool for deep insights about a future opportunity area that will drive business expansion and growth.