Eva has 15+ years of experience in working with brand and business development.
Your next opportunity
Direction and strategy with purpose
Eva Öjert explains why purpose is a superior approach to corporate strategy, how it will provide a competitive edge and help you maximize impact on all stakeholder levels.
In strategy, your purpose serves as a strategic compass. It will guide decision-making away from short-sightedness and place focus on long-term impact and value.
A purpose will help you pinpoint and express the fundamental idea why you exist, what you want to achieve and thus why you will prosper. When you know why you’re in business today and why you will be tomorrow, it’s a lot easier to decide what to do next.
We still see purpose siloed off from the core business along with CSR and communication initiatives. –Eva Öjert, Client Leader at Lynxeye
Internally, purpose will unify employees and investors in a shared direction they believe in and are prepared to invest in. Externally, It will give customers a true reason to buy your products and make the public like you and what you do.
But far from all businesses manage to unlock these effects and truly maximize impact on all stakeholder levels. Your purpose needs to be uniquely crafted according to your situation to do so. We still see purpose siloed off from the core business along with CSR or communication initiatives.

Eight out of ten employees want to work for a company that makes a positive impact in the world.

A well-known example of purpose-led strategy is IKEA, which has the purpose, “To create a better everyday life for the many people.” While the specific wording might not have been solidified at the very beginning, the core idea of improving people’s lives through affordable and functional home furnishings has been a driving force for IKEA from the start.
Its purpose has guided IKEA to place tremendous focus on cost-conscious design, multi-functional furniture, safety features, sustainable materials, self-service options, and not least, constant product innovation.
When a purpose is guiding your direction and strategy, and is leveraged in aspects of your business, it will become your most important competitive advantage.

Purpose-driven companies are five times more likely to be innovation leaders than others.

Eva Öjert, Client Leader
Eva has 15+ years of experience in working with brand and business development, and with creating change in projects. She has a strong passion for sustainability and is skilled in sustainable business transitions and circular economy.
Explore your next opportunity
Brand development
Use your brand to manifest your purpose
Growth opportunities
Navigating growth opportunities with purpose
Products and services
Purpose-led value propositions
New customers
Purposeful connections
Purpose to secure successful transformation
Direction and strategy with purpose
Brand development
Use your brand to manifest your purpose
Cecilia Hansen describes how brand and customer experience can be a unique manifestation of your purpose and highlight the value you bring to customers.
Growth opportunities
Find growth with purpose
Andreas Kåreby tells how purpose can be a way to achieve growth by uncovering the right business opportunities.
Products and services
Purpose-led value propositions
Fran Merino explains what purpose can bring to innovation and creating new offerings and value propositions.
New customers
Connect with the help of purpose
Johan Snällfot knows why purpose is a superior way to build values-based customer relationships.
Purpose to secure successful transformation
Anna Björk describes how purpose can facilitate change and transformation in your organization.
Direction and strategy with purpose
Eva Öjert explains why purpose is a superior approach to corporate strategy, will provide competitive edge and help you maximize impact on all stakeholder levels.