Project Manager
Sofia Ulfvin

My combination of a holistic view and attention to detail, helps me focus on complex processes when creating a clear plan, structure, and organization for roll out. The ability to combine practical and strategic knowledge is also one of my strengths.
I have 25 years of branding experience at branding agencies and as a freelancer. I have worked with brand development and implementation for clients such as Alecta, Coop, Folksam, LKAB, NCC, Swedbank and Vattenfall, to mention a few.
—Companies that make things complicated will not survive in this impatient world.
Name a great purpose example
I like brands like Voi, Spotify, Uber, Klarna and Amazon. Brands that have not only turned business models upside down, but also have pushed to the forefront and set the minimum level of what the world expects when consuming brands.
These brands have spoiled us with their user-friendly services, simplicity in communication and tight customer journeys. Companies that make things complicated will not survive in this impatient world. Even if these brands are not in the same industry – we can all relate to them.
When do you love your work?
It might sound cheesy, but that is when you see the results live for the first time after months of hard brand activation work with a client. Knowing that this will push a brand experience in the desired direction is truly satisfying, regardless of the size of the touch points.