I have international experience within business development, international expansion strategy, and strategic partnerships.

Team Leader

Louise Dahlström

My background is from the music industry, and Swedish startup scene. I have international experience within business development, international expansion strategy, and strategic partnerships.

I’m especially interested in international expansion, sustainable innovation, and consumer centric-concept development for companies. I have a B.Sc. in Business and Economics from Stockholm School of Economics and completed exchange studies at Keio University in Tokyo, Japan.

What inspires you?

I’m always inspired by challengers who are bold enough to try and do things differently and be something that hasn’t existed before. Right now, top of mind for me within this category is Swedish insurance company Hedvig.

Hedvig is three things that traditional insurance companies are not – flexible, personal and always there. They are not only challenging what an insurance company is, but how insurance is provided, how it’s priced, what items you are able to insure, and how you can claim your insurance. This is a company that truly improves the everyday life of its users by doing things differently and acting on their values.

I’m always inspired by challengers who are bold enough to try and do things differently and be something that hasn’t existed before.

I'm especially interested in international expansion, sustainable innovation, and consumer centric-concept development for companies.
Louise Dahlström

Name a great purpose example

Swedish razor subscription company Estrid. The unique features of their service offering and product design showcase immense consumer Insights and a dedication to both social and environmental values. Estrid provides their customers with a form of agency that didn’t exist before, which, coupled with its focus on user experience, is disruptive for this product segment.

Name a great purposeful leader

I am constantly impressed and inspired by Lisa Lindström, CEO of Doberman Nordics – a highly recognized Swedish design firm. With the purpose of creating a better working world, and of inspiring innovation and actions that improve society, she places customer experience and involvement at the center of everything she does.

To me, Lisa’s leadership style embodies the phrase ‘walking the talk’. Leaning on a philosophy of saying ‘yes’ rather than ‘no’, she creates environments where people feel empowered and supported enough to dare to be bold, explore the unknown, and take risks, which – as she insists – is fundamental to being able to be truly innovative.

In order to create an inclusive corporate culture, Lisa employs another leadership technique: to keep a rotating seat on the management board, so that any employee can have a say in the company’s most important decisions. I mean wow! I think most leaders would do well in taking a few pointers from her playbook!